Finishing Challenge 2
It was fun to see the variety of solutions that looked to use both real and imagined places as well as a wide array of media to explore the ways in which we can convey ideas. I am particularly excited about how many students created pieces of architecture or experimented with media they have not had experience with before.
Check out some of the results below:

Photoshop Challenge 2
Students used their understanding (and some helpful tutorials) to complete the following works.

Bast from the Past
One of my favorite moments of the day was when we talked about what it means to teach. I don't always know the impact I have on my students. To have one choose to come back and share with me the impact I had on them was amazing. It lifted me up and helped affirm the decision I made to get into education.
I shared that with Shelby. Teaching is hard. But if you love it, it is so worth it.