Students finished out the year strong as they reflected on what they have learned and had a chance to create a work that demonstrated that. The two videos are a result of asking students to reflect on their learning and share it with others. In addition to taking their final exam on Moodle, students also created a work of art using methods and materials to demonstrate what they learned over the course of the term. You can see all of the creations on our online Artsonia gallery.
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In After School Art, students work on a variety of individual projects at their own pace. Many enter competitions, and others just experiment to see what will happen when (fill in the blank)... It is a diverse group of students who do many different kinds of things. That is why we are putting together a collaborative portfolio using Google Docs to make a slideshow that encapsulates what everyone has been working on so far this year. I introduced it yesterday and students have until next Tuesday to complete their slide (including their name, at least 3 works, and a short reflection).
The following survey is for camp participants. The information collected will help me reflect on what I taught at the camp and how to improve it for future offerings. Please do not fill out unless you participated in the camp. Thanks! I started this blog on January 1, 2011 as a New Year's Resolution. This is probably one of the easiest resolutions I have ever made, as blogging has not only become a natural part of my life, but something my students expect and use, too! I feel grateful for the support I have had during this year filled with art and student success and wanted to take the time to review the best of the best from 2011: Matthew, Tyler, Gerrit, and Matt outdid themselves in this "extra" project that not only won praise from their peers, but was also the sole Gold Key winner for BCWMS at the 2011 Scholastic Awards. This was the 3rd year for the BCWMS Empty Bowls event. With over $900 in food and funds to donate to Byron Community Ministries, it was also our most successful yet. Thank you again to Rovin Ceramics, Byron Center Subway, McDonald's, and the BCPS community for your help and support in making this happen. Students made more than 800 paper cranes to help Japan disaster relief efforts. The cranes were a part of Students Rebuild efforts and the Million Crane Project. Cranes sent to Students Rebuild were then made into this poster of a giant crane by artist, Vik Muniz. If you zoom in, maybe you can see some of our BC cranes? I was awarded a 2nd place prize for the 2011 PBS Innovation Awards. The lesson I submitted was an 8th grade video project that I had won the MACUL grant to fund. Overall, this was a great honor and tribute to the work my students made as a result of completing this project. Innovative teacher from Janine Campbell on Vimeo. ArtPrize has become an annual event that students look forward to every year. Thanks to a grant from the Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids, I was able to take students downtown and check out all kinds of Art that overtook the city. This is a tradition I plan to keep going for years to come. ArtPrize2011 from Janine Campbell on Vimeo. From using traditional graphite to the not-so-traditional yarn, students tried out all kinds of materials in October to work on portraits. Both of these pieces not only made it into the Celebrating Art book this winter, but also won Silver Keys at the 2012 West Central Michigan Regional Scholastic Awards. My after school art program students love art so much they are willing to stay after school and take another class to create! From portraits made of clay to video games and movies, students work on self-directed projects and really explore their interests in this class. I am so happy we were able to bring this class back for students this year! It is difficult to wrap December up with one picture. From having 12 students selected to be published in Celebrating Art and having 19 students (the most in BCWMS history) to be awarded Scholastic Awards to using materials that I had never taught before (monsters and printmaking) - there is just TOO much good stuff to share about this month. So, instead I am going to use this image. The one I used on my first post. There is something completely wonderful about breaking a new batch of pastels and I love to encourage my students to do the same. If you have never done this before, I really recommend it - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
August 2018
Janine CampbellTeaching Visual Arts since 2004 and making images since picking up a crayon. Categories