Ok Go Sandbox to the Rescue
Lucky for me, I have a great teaching partner in the STEM room and we decided to take advantage of this week with a short collaborative based on the new teacher resource: OkGo Sandbox.
I have used their resources before in my classroom; using this resource was a whole new experience. Not only did students get to see the video employ the concept of flip books (which was what we decided to end the marking period on for our 3rd STEAM collaborative this year), they also got extended learning opportunities to discuss gravity, timing, and other STEAM concepts that help make OkGo's videos one-of-a-kind pieces of art. This was also a great way to reflect on the NAEA conference from last week that focused on the theme of Art + Design = STEAM.
Students were excited to work collaboratively on this project, it only took about four days to complete, and we even got a retweet of our activity from the website! Students love knowing their work will be seen by others and you can see a compilation of completed flip books my our 7th and 8th grade Art and STEM students below: