8th grade students finished up their portraits last week, using a material of their choice. From paint, to candy, to make-up, students selected a variety of tools to demonstrate the variety of values found on their face. You can see the full array on our Artsonia gallery.
7th grade students are working on their portraits this week. We learned about the work of Chuck Close and Noli Novak before getting started with our own expressive images. Students were able to select whether to add value with pencil or dots and how to fill in the background. We will finish these works by tomorrow and post the result on our Artsonia gallery. Here are a few finished works so far. For a long time I have wanted a Byron Center shirt that highlighted what our Visual Arts Program is all about. This week I decided to create the below image by collaging several images in Photoshop and by uploading the work to Artsonia, I can now get it on a shirt to wear on Fridays! If you want, you can get one, too. Remember that 20% of all purchases from Artsonia help fund special projects for our Visual Arts program at BCWMS.
8th grade students watched this Prezi before starting their own posterized portraits this week: Students then edited expressive images of themselves in Photoshop and uploaded them to Moodle for me to print so they could begin the transfer process. Students are challenged in this project to use the material of their choice for the 5 value scale. Some stuck with more traditional methods, while others experimented and brought in unusual materials. This project is well under way and we shall see the results over the next week.
Every November, The Byron Center Fine Arts Boosters puts on the most amazing event that benefits all Arts students at Byron Center Public Schools - The Annual Craft Fair. At this event, you can purchase BCWMS student made ceramic leaf bowls and other goods created by BCPS Visual Arts students. You can also visit the over 200 booths of crafters selling a variety of hand-made artisan goods - just in time for the Holidays! If you really want to support what we do in our program, please read the letter from BCFAB about volunteering and sign up to help! A Letter from BCFAB about the upcoming Craft Fair:
Hello Parents! The Byron Center Fine Arts Boosters are proud to present our annual Craft Fair to be held onSaturday, November 9, from 9 am - 3 pm. The Craft Fair is our major fund-raiser for the year, bringing in monies used to fund such programs as lesson reimbursement, guest artists, field trips and much more. We need you to help us make this event a success. Please take a look at our volunteer and donation needs to see where you might assist in this annual event! We encourage you to get involved--past volunteers talk about how much fun they had! Here is the link to our sign-up sheet: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/4090C48A5AD2EA02-bcfab1/4217099 We look forward to seeing you! Thank you in advance for your help. Students really delved into the possibilities with Photoshop this last week. You can check out the full array of images on our Artsonia gallery. Below are just some of the finished examples from each grade. 8th Grade Examples7th grade examples Students are working on collages this week as we create both digitally and traditionally. 7th grade students are creating a Profile Collage where they embed images in their profile silhouette that express their interests. Here is a tutorial of the project that I made with Camtasia Relay (the lesson is adapted from this). 8th grade students are working on expressive Photoshop images, where they are making the unseen seen. This is always a fun project because the outcomes are so different. Below are some more traditional collages created by Mrs. Allan's class. It was a really fun project and students did a great job working on weaving a pattern before applying their silhouette of a tree on top. 7th grade students learned about theBook of Kells and Celtic Knots for this project before creating their own symmetrical knot both with traditional and digital media. The above slide show explains the process we used to create these symmetrical designs with colored pencil, paint, and sharpie. Below are video examples of finished works students created using this method and also Sumopaint. You can see ore examples on our Artsonia gallery at www.artsonia.com/schools/byron1.
Going to ArtPrize is something I look forward to doing every year with my students. This year we had an awesome time walking around downtown and checking out the major venues and works featured in the top ten. Thank you to the Education Days coordinators for putting together the grants that allow us to come and experience art each year! The 2nd place winner of ArtPrize is an artist from my hometown, Flint, Mi. Below is Anni Crouter's piece that was featured at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum.
8th grade Abstractions 8th graders worked on the concept of abstraction this week through a series of activities that ranged from drawing, painting, sculpture, and digital work that explored concepts of representational abstraction (mostly with portraiture). The below are some of the results: You can see the full array of images on our online gallery at www.artsonia.com/schools/byron1.
August 2018
Janine CampbellTeaching Visual Arts since 2004 and making images since picking up a crayon. Categories