Tagxedo has been a great resource for me to use with this new batch of students for the semester. I have been able to learn new things about them based on the words they have chosen. Many 8th graders finished today and uploaded their work to Moodle. Tomorrow all should be finished and starting on their Photoshop choice project.
7th and 8th grade students are both starting out using digital tools like Photoshop to create altered images of themselves. 7th graders are creating the project shown above (although I am teaching it slightly different this time around) and 8th graders started using Tagxedo. I also had a chance to show students the video that I made of our portrait party last week with blind contour drawings. It was fun to share the crazy designs and process we went through to get the creative results!
Students not only finished their first drawings in art class today, they also managed to upload the work to Moodle and write their artist statements about their work. You can see the finished modified blind contour drawings and exquisite corpse drawings on our online gallery at Artsonia!
7th grade students are working on modifying their blind contour drawings today before turning them in on Moodle tomorrow.
Watch out for a video on this process soon to be posted! At the start of the day, the large bowl for our Empty Bowls event was ready for teacher signatures and then would be fired and given to the highest bidder during the event on the 22nd of March. Unfortunately, do to a series of mishaps, the bowl broke and we will have to make another.
When this happened, I was surprised with how calm I was about it. Clay can be a fickle medium when it is in the drying stages and I knew that it was fragile and breakage was a possibility. Maybe knowing this helped me cope with the shards of clay that could have been a pretty snazzy looking piece of ceramics. Even though I am kind of bummed that this bowl didn't work out, I feel pretty good that I didn't freak out or cry or get really worried about it. If this would have happened in years prior, I am not sure I would have been quite as cool about it. When things do not go as planned, it is not about what could or should have been, it is about what you are going to do next. We still have time to make another bowl and I am sure it will be even better than this one! 7th and 8th grade students enjoyed another day of creating as they were introduced to what the semester in Art class entails.
7th grade students put the finishing touches on their bowls from yesterday. Because the clay is now leather hard, students were able to smooth it out with clay tools and also engrave designs on it without having to worry about it collapsing. 8th grade students worked on making their portfolios and color coding them based on their class. Each class has a different color to help keep things organized. We reviewed organic and geometric shapes by having students create an organic shape on the right side to color with their class color and a geometric shape on the right to put their name and table number. 8th graders also worked on their Exquisite Corpse drawings by selecting an area to develop with more lines and color. Exquisite Corpse from Janine Campbell on Vimeo. Today we started classes with some art games and clay! 8th grade students watched the video created by students from last semester to see how to play the Exquisite Corpse game and 7th grade students made bowls for Empty Bowls.
This is going to be a great 2nd semester; if today has any indication, it will also be a very fun and creative time to share with you! When starting this blog, my intention was for students and parents to use it to review and stay connected with what is happening in the BCWMS Art room. Over the past few months I have seen an uptick in traffic to our class blog and since adding a ClustrMap, I can see that people from all over the world are coming to this blog!
Most recently, I received an email from a first year Middle School teacher in Iowa who says she visits our blog regularly to get ideas and inspiration for her classroom. I am very proud of what my students are doing in my classroom and am excited that our learning experiences can help others in their classrooms from all over the world. As a part of the final exam in art, students drew doodle bombs to express what they learned with details and examples of the concepts. They had to select at least two concepts they thought were the most important. Looks like students came up with much more...
Students started exams today as we wrap up the rest of the semester in Art. 8th graders shared their videos today with 7th and 8th grade classes. |
August 2018
Janine CampbellTeaching Visual Arts since 2004 and making images since picking up a crayon. Categories