My name is Janine Campbell and I teach in West Michigan. I am originally from Flint and visit my hometown often (The Flint Institute of the Arts is my all time fav). With the recent school closures, it has been a challenge and opportunity to get some things posted that I have been working on for a while, like this grid value exercise.
I used this with my 7-8th grade students, but it could be used 6-12th grade without hesitation. The video has no sound, as it is just a demo on how to use value and the grid to create an image. If this is helpful for you or your students, please USE IT! I have ten variations I made on the Procreate Drawing App on the iPad and those are attached below.
Students did this a few weeks ago to help discuss value and facial features and the use of a grid to translate an image onto another surface. I have said I would be sharing this when I had time to get a post together - well, I got nothing but time for the foreseeable future, so expect more things like this as the days and weeks roll on...
Take Care and Make Art!

gridfacialfeatures1.pdf |

gridfacialfeatures2.pdf |